3 Links for linguistics communication (lingcomm):
Explainer guides, a lingcomm syllabus and the 2020 LingComm Grants
Today’s 3 links are for linguistics communication (lingcomm):
$500 mini-grant
The 2020 LingComm Grant is four $500 (USD) grants to support a linguistics communication project that brings linguistics to new audiences in engaging ways. The grant also includes a one-on-one mentoring meeting with Gretchen and Lauren to refine your idea, and promotion of your project to our lingthusiastic audience. Grant funds are non-restricted, so if you know a student or other person interested in lingcomm who just needs a grocery budget to work on an interesting project, please encourage them to apply! Applications close: 1st of June.
Taking Linguistics to the Public and Linguistics and the News Media resource guides from LSA
Online resource guides
Taking Linguistics to the Public offers a compendium of best practices, sample materials, and links to external resources to assist linguists who are interested in getting more involved in public outreach activities. Linguistics and the News Media is a resource for linguists who wish to pursue a proactive approach to garnering press coverage for linguistics.
Gretchen’s LingComm Course Syllabus
Links to the content and materials for a 4 session course. Includes topics on audience engagement, strategic use of terminology (and one of our all-time favourite ideas: concept first, jargon second), and the curse of knowing too much. Includes links to many excellent lingcomm projects.
Even if you don’t have time for a whole lingcomm project, you probably still find yourself explaining linguistics at parties.
A distraction:

News update:
Our biggest thanks to Liz McCullough for taking on the 3 Links posts for the last 6 weeks. Liz is back at work and we couldn’t be happier for her.
See you on Friday for our final resource guide on World Languages.
Lauren, Gretchen, and Kate
About Mutual Intelligibility
Mutual Intelligibility is a project to connect linguistics instructors with online resources, especially as so much teaching is shifting quickly online due to current events. It's produced by Lauren Gawne and Gretchen McCulloch, with the support of our patrons on Lingthusiasm. We have been terribly lucky to have Liz McCullough as our 3 Links editor, and our Resource Guide contributor is Kate Whitcomb (Layman's Linguist).
The newsletter consists of 3 Links on a topic on Mondays and 6 Resource Guides. Mutual Intelligibility posts will always remain free, but if you have a stable income and find that they’re reducing your stress and saving you time, we're able to fund these because of the Lingthusiasm Patreon and your contributions there.
Here’s where you can tell us which topics would be useful for you. The more requests we get for a specific topic, the more it helps us prioritize resources that will help the most people.
Here’s where you can send us links (of either things you’ve made or have found useful) for potential inclusion in future newsletters. You can send a single link, or a set of three which may become a 3 Links guest-post! (With credit to you.)
If you have other comments, suggestions, or ideas of ways to help, please email mutual.intellig@gmail.com